When Kade came home from the NICU two months ago I was serious about disinfecting everything he might possibly come in contact with,... and when I say serious I mean obsessed! I got my Clorox out and wiped down every door knob (doors, cabinets, cars), phones, t.v. remotes and even the mailbox! After that, I took my professional size Lysol spray and sprayed every nook and cranny of our house. At that point I felt strangely floatatious (no that is not a word) from the fumes so I took a break. After my break I washed EVERY item of baby clothing, blankets, washable toys... EVERYTHING! I was so scared of my fragile little angel getting sick and having to go back to the hospital! We had weekly check-ups with the doctor and Kade even had the RSV shots to ward off the evil viruses that can easily turn fatal... Kade was TOTALLY covered, or so I thought!
Kade was admitted back into the hospital today. He has a bronchial respiratory infection. He is having a hard time breathing and won't eat. He has had such a hard life so far, but I have to say he is still such a good baby! I look at him and feel like we have an angel in our mist because he is just so sweet. I know he is in good hands and that we will all recover from this,... before we know it Kade will be on the high school football team!
In other news, Haylin has her first dance recital on May 20th (hopefully things will have calmed down and we will be there) and she has been practicing non-stop, seriously non-stop, ya non-stop, she does not stop... We love her SOOO much!
I can't believe I just updated our blog. (you too uh?)