Friday, September 14, 2007

12:49am And Thinking

Hey its Garrett and its a late Friday night and i just got done working on a new hiring campaign for the company and seen that Tasha had left her computer on and was logged into the blog

So i thought i would write a bit

so what’s new with Garrett ?

well the Family is doing great lil Haylin is growing up so fast i cant believe it (wow in fact she is one years old today sept 15th). She is Saying new words and making funny sounds we really in joy her here :) I don’t think there are two prouder parents.
I'm just trying to figure out how to be the best dad i can and not miss anything. But I'm failing at that
i go to work and come back and she's grown a whole month

its amazing

as for Tash yeastier day was her "first day back to work" i hired her on to build systems for the company she’s really good at that sort of thing .
It was fun i took her to a GKIC networking meeting she thought it was great that she got a free meal and had lots of fun meeting every one. And plus it was nice for her to come with me to see what i do when I go to these things i think that she thought i was off playing around or something like that so it well be nice for her to learn the biz

But I’m really proud of her she is doing such a great job being a mom and wife its got to be tuff and now "personal secretary"

We are about to buy a new house up here and its a bit scary because that means staying in Boise a bit longer than we thought. its just that the company is growing so fast its hard to leave it. But we do like it up here its just that we both want to be back in Utah.

well i think that's about all from me I'm off to bed night
Garrett robins


JS said...

no way! Tasha! I was just thinking about you the other day. Emily and I found eachother over the blogging world too. We are actually getting together on Thursday. She is coming to N. California.

Your daughter is gorgeous! Whats up? I would love to hear more about your life. My email is

Well... I married Tyson. (I don't know if you ever met him.) I met him at BYU. Anyways...we've been married for 5 years, we just had twins on Valentines day. Tyson is going to be a foot doctor. He is in his last year of school out here near San Francisco. I taught school for 4 years before the babies came. That is us in a nutshell. I would love to hear from you though. I am gonna put you on my blog roll. :) Yea!

JS said...

sorry for such a long comment